Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Introductions All Around...

Okay I believe the best way to get acquainted with someone is for each for each of you to introduce yourself to another is to sum up yours life in six sentences. No more, no less. So here it goes:

My name is Logan, I was born in Houston Texas on March, 19th 1985, a Tuesday. My life has been a series of ups and downs, which isn't so unusual but sometimes I don't even believe the stories I call my life. I have always known I found men attractive, though for a hot minute I tried to force myself to like girls to please Mom and Dad. I am finally at a point in my life that I am somewhat comfortable in my own skin, though sometimes I wish my skin was a little bit tighter. I would like to consider myself a unique individual (who wouldn't) but I feel that there are times I let the world shape who I am or the choices I make. I want to write stories for a living, because if I am not creating art, my soul is dead.

So where does one begin... It's a tough choice because you only have one chance to say hello world, read my blog. (Actually I don't care if you do or do not, its kind of therapeutic to write things down.) Well, I suppose we could start at day one, but no one cares too much for drooling babies who crap their pants. (Not to say that was ever me.) I'm 24 years old FINALLY on the cusp of REAL Adulthood. I graduate from the University of Houston with a degree in Advertising in the spring. It is a degree that I hope to never use, as horrid as it sounds to go to school for six years for a degree and not use it. I really want to write books. Well, want to isn't quite the word, I do write books, I just want to get paid to do it. (Maybe on a beach in Florida or a tropical island somewhere? Is that really too much to ask?)

I am a homosexual. It is something I believe should be part of who you are and not define your identity 100%. I say this now but some of the choices I have made in life have led me to question this ideal. Can you be something and it not become you? My passions are turning towards my culture and my people. I have learned so many lessons through this part of me. Love, Loss, Death, Hope, Happiness, and the uncanny ability to consume as much alcohol as I can before it gets to be 2.a.m.

I am a party boy, a family man, an optimist, a dreamer, a storyteller, and a work-a-holic. I will believe you until you betray me, then a week or so later I will give you another chance. I reach for the stars even when I don't know how to obtain my goals. I love being in school and am looking for a way to become a professional student. I believe in love and am learning how to show it. I want to save the world, one heart at time. I am missing someone with my whole being though I know I need to let him live for awhile before I can ask for his heart back. I am sad. I am happy. I am weak. I am strong. I am....

~ Logan


  1. And you just broke up with your bf, who happens to be a porn star?? :) Why not include that in your story?

  2. Gotta leave something for tomorrow.

  3. Logan,
    I've been reading Aiden's log for awhile now. I was really saddened by your breakup. It sounds like he is acting like a real jerk right now. I hope you can keep your love for him alive, but at a distance for now. You deserve to be treated better than that.
    Just my 2 cents...

  4. Welcome to the ranks of the formerly used.
    There's no delicate way to say this, but finding a "bottom", "catcher in the rye" whatever dude, that's not in it for the money, the sex, or just plain can think logically instead of emotionally, is a rarity. If that sounds like the profile of the modern "liberated" woman, that's probably because it is, for the most part: Blow your nose on a person, wad them up, reach for another" as Ray Bradbury put it.
    This is why I'm an observer, not a participant. Happily single and asexual (just in case you thought you were weird at some point in your life). I've found that the fewer people there are close to you, the less complicated life becomes.
    If it's a game where your odds of winning are less than 50-50, you're better not to play.

    P.S: Aiden will realize this, hopefully before it's really too late, but he will.
